Autodesk Inventor comes equipped with 2D drawing capabilities to help you create clear and accurate product documentation. To make the most of your deliverables, you need to understand how to manipulate views of Autodesk Inventor drawings to best fit the needs of your team and customers.
In this session of Autodesk Virtual Academy, we cover Custom Styles, customizing Balloons, populating Title Blocks using iProperties, Breakout Views, and more.
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Inventor Drawings
Inventor Drawings are part of the documentation stage of the design process. Drawings are our deliverable and the way we communicate with departments across the organization and even with customers. It indicates how your product may look, what parts are needed, and how the assembly comes together.
From years of training, we’ve seen that there tends to be a standard workflow among users. Drawings will include a base view, projected views, dimension, balloons, parts list, and title blocks. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, it likely gives you valuable drawings. But you might be missing out on other features.
In the session above, we dive into the following Drawing features that may act as an extension to how you’re currently setting up your Inventor Drawings.
Slice View – The Slice View is a great, unique way to provide additional perspective on the components of your part or assembly.
Crop View – If you want to focus on a specific area of your design, you can use the Crop View to highlight and emphasize the area.
Break Out View – If you’re trying to see the internals of the assembly or part, a Break Out View lets you cut away a layer or certain depth of your component so you can document what’s going on “behind” that layer.
Hole Detail – While this may not be a Drawing feature, there’s something important in being able to show the differences in holes and how holes are created.
Custom Balloons – Balloons can be a very powerful tool if used correctly. The tool can be used to not only call out the part number of the component in the drawing view, but also the quantity needed for the assembly.
Edit Parts List – Your Parts List is your Bill of Materials. It has all of your information for your assembly – number of components, description, part number, etc. But more information can be provided and filtering can be done to ensure you’re highlighting the information most important to your team.
iProperties and Title Blocks – We look at the power of linking fields in your Title Blocks or Drawing to an iProperty so it’s automatically populated as you create your drawings.
There are countless ways in which you can use Inventor Drawings to help highlight your products and properly document what’s involved in your designs.
How are you using Inventor Drawings? What methods work best for your team? Share in the comments section below.