Advanced Design and Engineering Automation

Drive innovation and efficiency in product design.

Design more sustainable, high-quality, and high-margin products. Automate resource-intensive processes to improve time to market and beat the competition.

Advance your engineering organization to better serve the design engineer, and ultimately the customer.

Your business relies on developing top performing products with minimal errors, returns, and defects. Free up time to design more collaboratively, with fewer iterations, and get your innovations to market faster.
Build a Culture of Innovation

Spend more time on R&D and improving quality

Develop breakthrough solutions to persistent industry problems. Give engineers and designers time and space to be creative and elevate their designs. Leverage simulation to make earlier design decisions and eliminate slow trial-and-error iterations.

Boost Efficiency and Productivity

Reduce production costs

React quickly to shifting customer expectations. Automate menial tasks to unblock bottlenecks and enhance engineering performance.

Collaborate and Communicate

Share knowledge between teams and projects

Connect your people, processes, and systems with high-integrity data. Streamline design and manufacturing workflows. Keep everyone in sync to achieve more each day—with less frustration.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Retain your top talent

Happy engineers and designers stay longer and do better work. Give your teams the tools they need to excel in their roles. Engineer a bright future for your employees–and your business.

Design automation

Double down on innovation and automation. Stand out from the competition and deliver more.

Our dedicated experts take the time to understand your business and assess your long-term goals, giving you more time to innovate.

“We have a unique competitive in our specific marketplace with this solution….we’re the only ones in this space, doing it this way.”

“The solutions that we’re developing with KETIV are very cool. It’s something that the space we’re working in hasn’t seen before…it’s a differentiator.”

Get started with KETIV.

It’s time to re-think your engineering and design workflows.

Some manufacturers are stuck in 2D dreaming of 3D. Others can’t get their files in order. Digital leaders, meanwhile, are using the latest in generative design and simulation to conceptualize their future products. No matter where you are on your journey to advance your design practice, KETIV can guide you in optimizing every stage of the product lifecycle – from conception to production.
Conception/Improvement Stage

Dump 2D for 3D Design

Meet the bare minimum for modern product design.

2D design is…inadequate. You can only advance product engineering and design if you adopt 3D design practices. It’s the gateway to unlocking the power of Design Simulation, Generative Design, Product Configuration, CAM, and other advanced design and manufacturing capabilities.

Simulate More, Prototype Less

Detect and eliminate problems before they occur.

When you are designing, or re-designing your next big idea, you shouldn’t go into prototyping blindly.

Design simulation software allows for the testing of mechanics, electronics, fluids, and any other material or state, under every possible environmental condition.

Designs That Generate Themselves

AI can suggest the strongest materials and structures.

So, let’s say your simulation shows too much stress on a single component and you’re out of ideas on how to make it stronger.

Generative design will suggest a more robust structure for the component, allowing you to bring that improved part back into the design for further simulated testing.

Transactional Stage

Configure, Price, and Quote to Win

Capitalize on your engineering rules to guide the ordering process.

Provide a visual, personalized, B2B sales experience that buyers have grown to expect. Configure, Price, and Quote (CPQ) allows the salesperson or buyer to configure this product within our set of defined design and fabrication rules.

You can now effectively manage change across all aspects of the sale, including product renderings, pricing, and quotes, and gain a competitive advantage using automated CAD, BOM, and other outputs.

Streamline with CAD Automation

Optimize your design and drafting workflows by introducing automation.

CAD automation eliminates manual drafting and design, resulting in fewer errors and faster production times. Design changes can happen faster, driving higher profits and increased customer satisfaction.

Integrate Systems and Processes

Rely on a solid bedrock of connected data and processes.

Connecting the ERP, CRM, CAD, PDM/PLM and other systems and processes creates a digital pipeline that drives clarity, speed, and profitability in your business.

Crossing All Design Stages

Connected and Collaborative Design

Establish a safe, accessible, and dependable single source of truth.

Whether they are files for R&D, or transactional drawings for a custom order your teams have to know which file is valid and current. They can’t step on each others’ toes.

Only a proper PDM/PLM methodology and toolset can ensure you are protecting and enriching your most valuable resource.

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