Most of the time, workspaces in Fusion Lifecycle have hundreds, if not thousands (or even tens of thousands) of records to sort through. Quickly narrowing down the information you need to work with can save a lot of your valuable time, and impress your boss by doing your job more quickly.
How to configure views inside Fusion Lifecycle workspace
Before we begin, you might want to take a look at this quick tip video I made on the topic:
Getting Started
Through the workspace view in the modern interface, you can create saved views that define what information you want to see. This includes defining the following for each view:
- Which fields or properties are displayed
- The order of the columns of data
- Filters for any of the properties
Let’s take a look at how you can do each of them. To start, we will click the “Create new view” option in the view selection dropdown, and name it “Recent Production”. Note that by creating a new view using this method, you will create a new view that only contains the “Item Descriptor” property. If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can start from an existing view by clicking the three dots at the right of any view name, and selecting “Duplicate” (see end of video for further details).
Selecting Properties to Display
Any data in a workspace can be applied as a column in the workspace view. This includes information from the Item Details, Bill of Materials, or Attachments tabs, in addition to Lifecycle information. To add a field as a column in the current view, click the menu button on the far right, expand the category that contains the information you are looking for, and check the desired boxes. An example of adding the “Description” and “Unit of Measure” fields is as below.
In addition, we’ll also add the “Lifecycle”, “Release Letter”, and “Version Timestamp” fields to our view that you can all find under the “Lifecycle” section. We’ll click the “Save” button to finish adding the new columns.
Ordering Columns of Data
Once we have the desired columns of data in our view, we can change the order of the columns. This is a fairly straight forward process, but you need to do it correctly to work right. Click in the empty space of the column header (NOT on the text that displays the name of the column), then click again, this time holding the mouse down and dragging the column to the desired location.
For our example, we’ll move the “Lifecycle” column over, so that it is now displayed after the “Unit of Measure” column.
Applying Filters
Filters allow us to hide data we don’t care about, and to see only what is important. Filters are easy to add, and you can apply it to any column.
Let’s start by first looking at recent data. In the video, you’ll notice that there are records in our workspace that go all the way back to 2013. We only want records that were created after 1/1/2016. To apply the filter, we’ll click on the funnel icon of the “Version Timestamp”. We’ll then select the “Later Than” option, and select the date of “1/1/2016”. After clicking save, any records created before that date are hidden.
Next we’ll add a more complex filter. We only want to see records in the “Pre-Release” or “Production” lifecycles states. To accomplish this, we’ll click on the funnel icon of the “Lifecycle” column, and select the “Contains” option. We’ll enter “Pre-Release” as our condition, and “Or” as our Boolean type. Then we’ll click to “Add another filter”, enter “Production” as our condition, and click “Save”.
We now hide any records that are not production or pre-release, as well as those created before 1/1/2016. That comes out to 64 total records, reducing it down from the original 362.
By creating saved views, we can quickly filter out unimportant information, and find what’s important to efficiently do your job.