More Effective Collaboration with PDM


Helping engineers work together more efficiently is one of the fundamental functions Autodesk Vault and effective collaboration with PDM software. In fact, more than a quarter of professional engineers say that collaboration with internal colleagues and conflicting versions of documentation are significant problems they face every day.

These are a couple of crucial product-flow issues that Windows Explorer can’t seem to fix. It lacks the capabilities to make collaboration easier and there’s no simple way to prevent others from working on and overwriting your files. Autodesk has designed a Product Data Management tool to help eliminate the common problems that occur when multiple people are working on a same set of data files.

Autodesk Vault Features Assisting Engineers: 

  • “Read-only” Feature – A solution to remove all concerns regarding overwritten files by enabling a check in, check out style of editing. Once you finish using a file nobody else can touch it as the file becomes a read-only document.
  • Versioning – This allows the capability to keep accurate updates of all changes made to the design of the product while maintaining the same file type and name. It logs the who, what and when every time the files is accessed and edited.
  • Global Accessibility – This system operates under the principle that data is best stored globally and can be made available nearly anywhere and anytime. Data loss protection is also included as edits can be made locally while a copy of the original version is still in the cloud, unedited, until the new versions changes are complete.

Learn More

Autodesk provided engineers with effective collaboration with PDM. It helps push a company’s data management skills to the next level, positively impacting efficiency and productivity. To receive the free eBook “Windows Explorer Wasn’t Made for Engineers”, and learn more about Product Data Management, fill out the form below.

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