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Autodesk PowerMill 2023 was released in early May to current customers with an active subscription. In this webinar, we will cover new features and enhancements made to PowerMill 2023 such as:
Steep and Shallow Finishing Improvements
- You can now optimize the machining of open pockets for better surface finishes when using 3D Offset as the shallow strategy in Steep and Shallow Finishing.
Enhanced Setups
- The ability to select a machine tool and model location can now be added for each setup. These selections are then inherited in other areas, such as toolpaths, simulation, and NC Programs, automating the previous manual selection process.
- When a setup is activated, its assigned thicknesses become the default thicknesses. New toolpaths then pick up the default thickness settings. The toolpaths’ thicknesses can then be modified if required.
Safer Leads and Links
- You can now choose to automatically trim the ends of segments so that leads and links can be added for safer machining.
Automatic Collision Avoidance
- Improvements have been made to ensure the Automatic method of Collision Avoidance tilts the tool more consistently across neighboring passes.
Rest Finishing Strategy (Preview)
- In PowerMill 2022.1, a new finishing strategy was added for machining areas, such as corners, which have remaining stock left over by previous operations. In PowerMill 2023, the strategy, while still in preview, has been improved. It now produces toolpaths more reliably that cover the full extent of the rest material with smoother passes of improved quality.
These are among some of the most notable changes. For a complete breakdown of new features and enhancements be sure to tune in to this KETIV Virtual Academy.
Session Presenters

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