A Trick to Attach Text to an Inventor Drawing View



Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of work inside of Inventor drawings. During that time, I was asked how to make sure that all my text and symbols will move with a view.

If you’ve used Inventor for a while, you may have noticed that if you put in a text or symbols next to a view, they will stay behind if you want to move the view.


Everything looks right here

ketiv-ava-autodesk-inventor-drawings-supportAfter moving the view, the symbols stay behind


It’s usually not a big deal to move the text and/or symbols later, but there’s always an opportunity to make a mistake.

And it’s just a pain to move the symbols back to where they were!

But there is a way you can make the text and symbols move with the view, and that’s to start off by placing the text and symbols using the leader options


Use leader text, and the leader options to place the symbols

If you place the text and symbols with leaders, the move with the view that they’re attached to.


Place the symbols using the text as leader, and with symbols

But we didn’t want leaders, right?

But that’s okay.  If you right click on the leaders, you can delete the leaders, leaving the text and symbols behind. Just choose Delete Leader.



The best part?  Even with the leaders removed, the association remains!  If the view is moved, the text and symbols now move with the view.


 Now if the view is moved…


The text and symbols move with it!

And that’s how you can make sure your text and symbols update the way you want them!


For a video of the steps I’ve described above, check out the video below!


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1 reply to “A Trick to Attach Text to an Inventor Drawing View”...

  1. Thank you – this is helpful in 2020. Can’t understand why you have to do two commands (attach leader / delete leader) instead of just a simple command like “Attach Annotation to View”. Will put in a “Idea Request” LOL.

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