AutoCAD Plant 3D: Project Manager Essentials


AutoCAD Plant 3D Project Manager

AutoCAD Plant 3D’s Project Manager tool enables users to create a consistent working environment for all project team members.

In this recap of Autodesk Virtual Academy, KETIV’s AutoCAD expert, Greston Dunivin, demonstrates Project Manager uses and best practices as well as how to organize and associate files for a collaborative design environment. Watch the Webcast

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What’s Covered?

Greston has worked with a wide variety of customers looking to improve their workflow when it comes to AutoCAD Plant 3D. The Project Manager unfortunately, is also one of the most underutilized tools. As a seasoned user in the industry, Greston has much to share about the intricacies of the Project Manager and how one can benefit from its capabilities.

For a deeper understanding of the basics of the Project Manager interface, learn more on the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

To better understand the functionality and why it’s imperative in the workflow, Greston covered how to create projects, manage folders, and validate designs, all while maintaining links to external references and supplementary documents.

The validation program runs for one or more P&ID drawings and displays a list of errors in the Validation Summary window. This can help users understand where their models may be incomplete and can ensure that you are delivering a problem-free document to your customers and colleagues.

Greston also covered how to utilize collaborative tools in AutoCAD Plant 3D. One point clarified is the difference between link and copy files. Both are options inside AutoCAD Plant 3D, but they both have their own unique and separate uses.


Is the Project Manager a full replacement for Vault or does it work together with Vault?

Project Manager isn’t necessarily a data management tool so it will not replace Vault. While it will show you who has edited files, you don’t have the full control of features like revision history and locking out specific users.

Does P&ID have a Project Manager as well?

Both Plant 3D and P&ID have Project Managers that function the same and work in conjunction with each other to complete and manage your drawings.

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