How to Add Properties and Parameters to Content Center Families

Introduction Content Center allows users to develop their own standard family of parts. During the publishing process, you will likely need to manage the properties of your custom content center families. Depending on what type of property you need, the process will differ accordingly. That said, there are three workflows which we will discuss today: […]
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How To Optimize Collaboration Tools To Work Remote

To work properly from home, there are a few facets of everyday office tool collaboration that we must maintain. It once was a matter of walking over to your coworker’s cubicle to check your findings or schedule a meeting. Nowadays, working from home means you must come to terms with the variety of technology and […]
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Tips for Configuring your License for Home-Use

Remote work is becoming the norm in many industries. However, working from home may present some unique challenges to your current workflow. How does a decentralized company retain their engineer’s access to their software tools? How do engineers stay connected to on-site design data? And of course, how do you promote effective collaboration with your […]
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Inventor Professional 2019 Tips: Why Your Snapshot Views Won’t Update in Your Presentation Files

Inventor Tips: How to update Your Snapshot views in your Presentation Files Problem: This is one of your first attempts at using the presentation environment inside of Inventor.  You would love nothing more than to have a view you explode to feature on the next IDW that you send down to manufacturing.  However, there is […]
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Sheet Metal Inventor Basic Tips: Making Perpendicular Holes on a Curved Sheet Metal

The basic tips for making holes in the sheet metal in Inventor The problem of holes made in flat pattern and folded model: You have a curved surface on a sheet metal in Autodesk Inventor that you would like to punch perpendicular holes into.  You attempt to make the holes in the flat pattern. However, […]
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