Seamless Global Access with KETIV Vault-as-a-Service and Lite VPN

Seamless access to critical design and engineering data is essential for global teams to collaborate effectively. KETIV's Vault as a Service (VaaS) and Lite VPN offer a robust solution, enabling companies to securely manage and share their data across geographies without the complexity of traditional VPNs. These tools ensure that your team has uninterrupted access to the resources they need, fostering innovation and speeding up project timelines.
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5 Reasons Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Upgrade Regularly

Imagine trading your current smartphone for an early 2000’s flip-phone for a full week. For seven days, you’d be unable to enjoy all the simple conveniences that you’ve become so reliant on over the last several years. No access to the internet for checking email. No using an app to pre-order your coffee or lunch. […]
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Top 5 Autodesk Tech Tips & Tricks

With dozens of features and options in Autodesk software, it is normal to feel overwhelmed or get stuck on a project due to an error in settings or lack of knowledge. We have pulled our top 5 Inventor and AutoCAD tips of 2021. These have helped Autodesk users improve their efficiency and avoid roadblocks when […]
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Benefits to the Vault 2022 Thin Client & Vault Mobile (and why you should care)

As technology progresses, so do our tools. Especially during the past year for the Vault Thin Client and Vault Mobile. That is why now is the best time to take advantage of this technology, especially if you already own it! These tools allow designers and engineers even better access to their Vaulted Data, without having […]
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Inventor 2022 to Fusion 360 Interoperability

Trying to find a quick an easy way to send Inventor files to Fusion 360? Autodesk has made it even easier! In addition to the already existing bi-directional workflow, AnyCAD, the new Inventor 2022 to Fusion 360 Interoperability workflow is already built-in to Inventor 2022 without any previous setup. With the click of a button, […]
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4 Key Reasons to Use 3D CAD Software

If you are considering using 3-dimension (3D) CAD software on your next design, you have come to the right place! There are several reasons to consider using a 3D CAD program such as Autodesk Inventor or Fusion 360 to develop your next design. Visualizing in a 3D environment, determining physical properties, simulating, prototyping, machining, and […]
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How to Create Custom Title Blocks in Inventor

Each time a new design is made, a new drawing must also be made and sent to manufacturing.  This drawing has crucial information for manufacturing, such as front/side/top views, dimensions, and tolerances, BOM, a Part Number, you name it.  It is best that some of this information is manually added to the drawing.  However, as […]
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What you Need to Know About Upgrading your Autodesk Vault

If you are an IT or an Engineering Manager responsible for managing your Autodesk Vault server, then every year (or some cases every other year) you come across the need for upgrading and/or migrating this tool to the latest version. Doing so will allow your company to stay competitive and have access to the latest tools […]
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4 Modeling Obstacles (and Solutions) in Autodesk Inventor Sheet Metal

Knowledge is Power – said everyone ever. This is true in all aspects of life, especially when competing against other sheet metal manufacturers! If you are striving to broaden your team’s competitiveness and stay ahead of the curve, here are 4 Tips and Tricks inside Autodesk Inventor Sheet Metal that will increase your team’s knowledge. […]
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What’s New in Fusion 360 – Design & Manufacturing

What’s New in Design & Engineering for Fusion 360 There has been many, and I mean many new features and tools that have been released the past 3 months for Fusion 360. And since you are always on the latest and greatest version of Fusion, this means you already have access to them! In this […]
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